Frequently asked questions

What is the hourly rate?

Our hourly rates vary based on the area and the individual needs of the student.

Am I an employee?

All of our tutors are hired on a freelance basis, meaning you will be self-employed and invoice Equal Education for hours worked each month. We provide support for getting you setup and helping you through the monthly invoicing process.

How many hours a week will I get?

Each student we receive has unique needs, some students only need one hour - once a week, where as some may need more than 15 hours a week! We'll only match you with students that fit your abilities and schedule.

Is tuition provided online or in-person?

Equal Education offers both online and in-person tuition to best meet the student's needs. Whilst we have experienced the effectiveness of online learning during recent years, we are also very aware that online tuition does not suit everyone. We therefore deem it important to continue offering both. In person tuition might be set at the student home, school or at a public venue such as a library - with an supervisory adult present at all times.

Which Teaching Qualifications do you accept?

Equal Education accept QTS and other teaching qualifications as specified HERE. Please note that depending on the teaching qualification you have, we may have additional requirements such as a number of years of relevant work experience.